Entries by mary

Welcome Save-A-Lot to the Glass Street Gateway!

We can’t let this year end without stopping here for one minute to welcome the opening of the Save-A-Lot Grocery store. It’s hard to believe that it was only just last year in May of 2019 when the  headline of the Chattanooga Times Free Press read “$2 Million Grocery Store Planned for Dodson Avenue in […]

Drive-Thru Nativity Production Coming To Glass Street

As the end of 2020 comes into view, one thing is universally clear: the importance of family, community, and our relationships with one another.  It is also clear that the long-established, working, and emerging bonds between stakeholders on Glass Street are not only strong but incredibly open-hearted.  Earlier this month, Tina Stewart, Co-Owner/ Director of […]

East Chattanooga is Bursting with Gratitude & Generosity!

Once a month since the early weeks of the pandemic various East Chattanooga leadership and community voices gather via zoom for updates and support. Our most recent noontime “Meet & Eat” as we’ve come to call them, was no different. In fact, it seemed supercharged! East Chattanooga is definitely bursting with gratitude and generosity. Get […]