Community Banner Project
How can a banner represent a potential community space? Local artist, Liza Blair, and Glass House Collective
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But we are proud to say that Teal contributed 186 entries already.
How can a banner represent a potential community space? Local artist, Liza Blair, and Glass House Collective
On December 13th and 14th, Glass House Collective will be working with New Covenant Pure Holiness Church and Market3D- a 3D visualization and landscape design firm to clean-up the alleyway behind Glass Street corridor.
Despite thermometers showing temperatures of a balmy 70+ degrees in December, it’s Christmas time on Glass Street! Please join us in celebration of the holidays this Thursday, December 6th.
Public Art Chattanooga and Glass House Collective are collaborating to produce “Rise Up Chattanooga,” a sculpture made entirely from borrowed ladders. The idea was conceived and will be carried out by sculptor Charlie Brouwer to coincide with Glass House Collective’s “Build a Better Block” event in February 2013.
On Thursday, residents of the Glass Street neighborhood gathered at the Glass House Collective to engage in conversation about the future of their neighborhood. The last will be held on Monday, November 12th at 5:30pm.
Urbanism in Chattanooga: Revitalizing Glass Street by David Barlew, Jr. on 09/19/12 Lately, a lot of attention has been paid to the effort to revitalize Glass Street in East Chattanooga, and a lot of Chattanooga residents are curious about this exciting, albeit challenging, endeavor.
Glass House Collective will be hosting community meetings in our headquarters at 2523 Glass Street. David will be presenting the top 5 ideas from the AIA Conference Urban Design Workshop and asking for input and ideas from within the community on how to make Glass Street cleaner, safer, and more inviting. Please join us.
Can business planning bring prosperity to an overlooked neighborhood? From barbecue barons to creative residents, LAUNCH is proving
After living away from Chattanooga for some years, I returned to the area broke without direction. I had a lot of ideas floating around in my head and didn’t know how to make sense of them. Since most of them involved some sort of business, I figured the Launch class was a good place to […]