Community Christmas Party

In years past, Glass House Collective has hosted a large holiday party event, but this year, residents led the way Read more

Balloonacy for New Years!

At Glass House Collective, we welcome the jolt of electricity a fresh year brings. As we passed out Happy New Year balloons Read more

MLK Service Day: All Hands on Deck

The East Chattanooga Rec Center brimmed with hundreds of enthusiastic volunteers from all across Read more

Service Hub for MLK Day!

Chattanooga will be honoring Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy through a collective day of service Read more

Glass Street on Main Street!

We were honored and excited when Jennifer Crutchfield invited youth from Glass Street to participate in this year’s Mainx24 parade Read more

Gearing up for Christmas!

Neighbors are definitely getting excited about the developing plans coming together for this year’s community Christmas Party, Read more

Community Halloween Party

Candy matters on Halloween, and this year the kids of East Chattanooga gathered plenty of it out on the ball fields of the Read more

National Night Out Celebration

National Night Out was a huge success with around 300 neighbors united to play, dance, eat, and share information Read more

Oh What a Day!

We had so much fun partying with the whole neighborhood this Saturday during Glass Street LIVE! Read more