Glass Street Scales Ladders to ‘Rise Up’

Public Art Chattanooga and Glass House Collective are collaborating to produce “Rise Up Chattanooga,” a sculpture made entirely from borrowed ladders. The idea was conceived and will be carried out by sculptor Charlie Brouwer to coincide with Glass House Collective’s “Build a Better Block” event in February 2013. Read more

Why I Took the LAUNCH Business Class on Glass Street (and you should too)

After living away from Chattanooga for some years, I returned to the area broke without direction.

I had a lot of ideas floating around in my head and didn’t know how to make sense of them. Since most of them involved some sort of business, I figured the Launch class was a good place to start. Read more

Blog Post featured on ArtPlace America in August

Glass House Collective is a Chattanooga-based nonprofit working to revitalize a corner of that former industrial city. Focused on East Chattanooga, specifically a commercial corridor called Glass Street, the group works to bring “life back to Glass Street and Glass Street back to life” Read more

City Share: Lunch Hour

On September 7, City Share will feature James Costa, director, writer and producer of the new documentary, Lunch Hour. Lunch Hour is a feature length documentary that explores the National School Lunch Program, childhood obesity, and our addiction to unhealthy foods.
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Glass House Collective Featured on ArtPlace America

Glass House Collective is a Chattanooga-based nonprofit working to revitalize a corner of that former industrial city. Focused on East Chattanooga, specifically a commercial corridor called Glass Street, the group works to bring “life back to Glass Street and Glass Street back to life” through creative projects and events that animate the space. Read more

AIA Team Presentations

Last week Glass House Collective and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) presented the plans from the Urban Design Workshop at the Chattanooga Trade and Convention Center. The teams were made up of architects participating in the AIA convention, neighborhood residents, urban planners, politicians, and designers. Read more

Glass House Filled with Creative Minds

Today Glass Street was filled with members of the Tennessee Chapter of American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the Chattanooga community, all participants in a design charrette hosted by Glass House Collective. Read more

Glass House Collective Receives Artplace Grant

East Chattanooga’s Glass House Collective receives $300,000 grant from ArtPlace. Grant allows Glass Street to get a new look and begin community renewal efforts. Read more

City Share: Cafe Reconcile

On Wednesday, June 20, Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise and Glass House Collective will partner to host City Share, a speaker-based community conversation series focused on sharing creative solutions to community issues. City Share gives community members an opportunity to dialogue with individuals from around the country using web-based video projection.

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